For private users or corporates who wants peace of mind, our tailor-made car leasing program will get you covered. First of all, unlike buying a new car, no big down payment is required. No need to immobilize capital and no more worries about the car depreciation, we bear that cost for you. Another very important point is the control of your budget by having a fixed monthly payment. No more variable unexpected expenses like mechanic tax, car maintenance, insurance renewal or car breakdown. Furthermore, our professional team will manage everything related to your car : registration, insurances and renewals, maintenance, accidents and 24/7 road assistance. This will give households peace of mind and allow corporate to reduce or reallocate human resources. Moreover, a replacement vehicle will be provided in case of accident, maintenance or breakdown. This will give end users greater freedom and raise employees productivity. At last, but not least if you enjoy driving the newest cars or because your company's image is conveyed by your fleet then car leasing is the most cost efficient way to keep driving the latest models